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2021 Environment Prize awarded by
Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Energy intelligence


Our energy, our expertise and our innovative solutions to take sustainable actions on your resources

Our solutions

A range of innovative, dedicated and complementary solutions at your service



Nos clients font face à des évolutions rapides et fréquentes de leurs organisations telles que la mutualisation des sites, la mutualisation des compétences...

Water reuse

Onsen a déployé des solutions clef en main vous permettant une réutilisation multiple de votre ressource en eau.

Water reuse

Digital solution

Digital solution

Des solutions qui allient le numérique, la mesure, notre expérience terrain et nos outils au service de votre efficience énergétique


10 ans de savoir-faire et d’expérience de terrain. Maîtrise du cycle de l’eau. Maîtrise des échanges thermiques passifs . Parfaite connaissance de la réglementation.


Energy recovery

Energy recovery

A ce jour près de 7 GWh économisés chaque année sur l’ensemble de nos sites équipés.


Une automatisation ou semi-automatisation sur mesure qui s’intègre à tous vos systèmes de Gestion Technique Centralisée.


100% custom-made

Onsen mastered the complete chain of action for your solutions

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Monitoring and Training
Need more information or a quote?

We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Our clients

Concrete and fast results


Géraldine Bougeard
Director of Vichy aquatic stadium

Since March 2012, we have been recovering calories from gray water to preheat  the water that supplies the pools and store the cooled water to wash the filters. Now in terms of water consumption, we are at 50 liters/swimmer against 100 to 150 liters previously.


Olivier Dutrieux
Director of Aqualib' at la Côte Saint André

Very good general opinion, the calorie gain is 230 MWh in 1 year. Very good thermal stability of the pools. In summer we are able to heat  to temperature, just by exchanging with Degrés Bleus! And above all technical comfort with less useless presence of technicians in the evening. Possibility to wash more frequently and on demand depending on the filters' needs.


Philippe Martin
Technical Manager of the Nautical Space of Grand Chalon

We are currently at 220 MWh of energy savings and should approach 500 MWh over the year. We have also managed to control our water consumption: From about 55 liters/swimmer to 40 liters per swimmer and per pool.


We are very satisfied.

They put their trust in us

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